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Analytisk og kommersiell Business Controller

Vil du jobbe som Business Controller i et internasjonalt selskap med sterke merkevarer?

Brand of the month: N!CK’S

Our brand of the month is N!CK’s. But what is N!CK’s and who is behind the brand?

Please welcome Pfanner to our Norwegian portfolio!

Conaxess Trade Norway is proud to work with Pfanner and take the brand to a new level in the Norwegian market. We will handle their total portfolio in Norway with immediate effect.
Christopher Dahl

Meet an employee: Christopher Dahl

Please welcome Christopher Dahl, Category Manager. Has worked at Conaxess Trade Norway since January 2015.

Brand of the month: Frisk

Frisk is the iconic brand that provides sugar free products that guarantee instant freshness in the most effective and convenient way.

Brand of the month: Bonduelle

La nature, notre futur!

Conaxess Trade Norway in a new partnership with Bonduelle

We are happy to announce our new collaboration with Bonduelle.
Conaxess Trade Norway

Conaxess Trade Norway: Trygt plassert på pastill-toppen

Conaxess trade passerte Orkla som den største pastillaktøren i Norge i 2017. "Etter at vi overtok galleberg, har det blitt ganske stor avstand mellom nummer én og to," sier markedssjef Henriette Dahl Kjørsvik i Conaxess Trade Norway.

Dobbeltpakket kjeksikon

I fjor startet Conaxess trade et samarbeid med Maryland Cookies-eier burton’s Foods for å relansere den ikoniske kjeksen på det norske markedet. i tredje mulige lanseringsvindu fikk de drømmelisting, og er nå inne i alle Norgesgruppens butikker i Norge.