Jaw Breaker
Zed Candy is a branded manufacturer of confectionery with its head office in The Netherlands, Ireland. In our state of the art factory Zed Candy makes gum, jelly beans, hard candy and Jawbreakers.
Aroma has made candy since 1921.
Excellent bread - good classics on the market for over 15 years. Produced in Swedish with high quality and good flavor as a characteristic.
Swedish Match is a leading manufacturer of matches and lighters with a strong portfolio across the globe. In Finland, the local match brand is Sampo.
Kavli AB markets the brands Kavli, Eriks sauces and dressings, Johnny's®, Hultbergs®, Västerviks senap®, Bärry®, Skyr ™ Icelandic yogurt, Tigers yogurt, Bollnäsfil, Perstorp vinegar, Planti®, Druvan® and Lyckans Ost.